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Our long term goal is to distribute these resources but also to train up and equip truck drivers, truck stop employees, churches & chapels to assist in the distribution and supply of the resources for the traveling public.

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It’s full of Talk, Music, Good, Clean Comedy, Answers to Spiritual Questions (Called in to the 24 Hour Voice Mail Line.) Evolution Vs. Creation Debate, End Times Updates as well as a few other in house audio production segments.

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Dave Bowman

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Headlight in Trucking uses two 18 wheelers rigged for truck stop ministry to reach over-the-road truck drivers.
Headlight in Trucking, based in Bedford, Pennsylvania.
Home Mission with the Assemblies of God.

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What Makes This So Reliable Is That There Was No World Wide Pre-Tribulation Movement, No Books Or Movies Teaching That Somehow We Would Escape The Tribulation Period.
There Were Of Course Some Writings And Teachers Who Argued Their Opposing Points, But The Unified Consensus Of The Early Church Fathers Taught That We Would Indeed Be Present During The Tribulation Period....Not Subjected To The Wrath Of God, But Most Certainly Subject To The Wrath Of Man As Spurred On By Satan And His Unholy Minions.

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(An Audio Production from House of Prayer Ministries of Sullivan County, PA.)
If a person takes the time to read the words of Jesus from Matthew 24 one thing becomes very clear...
There is a time coming when The Lord will bring an end to life as we know it.
If a you have not made peace with God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior,
these times will be the worst of times to be upon earth.

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Of all people Christians have more reason for Joy and Laughter than any other! In Psalms 126:1-3, the psalmist declared,
"When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion, we were like men who dreamed.
Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, The LORD has done great things for them.
The LORD has done great things for Fus and we are filled with joy"
Because our Savior lives, Joy and Laughter can flow from our grateful hearts.
Solomon declared that laughter is "good medicine." In a world of sorrow, pain and difficulty, it is good for God's people to remember our source of joy and laughter. Jesus Christ! Our Joy and Laughter can also be a witness. Our world values laughter and comedy, but that comedy is often sensual and base. Yet, people long for good, clean entertainment. Entertainment that can be share

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About Bly Books … since 1981, preparing the heart to receive God’s truth. With grit and grace, lots of humor and soul. That’s the theme for most every word written.
Welcome to our neck of the Out West ponderosa woods. North-central Idaho at elev. 4,200 ft. Here’s a complete online source all about Bly Books.
Books, articles, short stories, cowboy poetry and blog posts authored by Janet Chester Bly and award-winning western author Stephen Bly .
Bly Books offer entertaining tales and practical tips with a western, country flair.

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Recent books include her acclaimed Intervention Series (Intervention, Vicious Cycle, and Downfall). Other recent favorites include Shadow in Serenity, Predator and Double Minds, and the Restoration Series, the Newpointe 911 Series, the Cape Refuge Series, and the Su
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Today, God continues to work through Harvest Christian Fellowship. "Looking back," says Pastor Greg, "I can see God's hand at work from the very beginning. It has always been a part of God's plan for us to know Him and make Him known. I encourage you to do the same."
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Mission and Vision
Turning Point Ministries was founded in 1982 as the broadcast ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah to deliver the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world. Three decades later, with a multimedia network featuring radio, television, and online programming, magazines, and books, Turning Point reaches tens of millions of people around the globe with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. With the potential reach of 480 million listeners, Dr. Jeremiah's radio messages air thousands of times each day, inspiring and equipping the body of Christ around the globe. And Momento Decisivo, the ministry's Spanish-language outreach, is aired more than 800 times a day on nearly 600 radio stations in every Spanish-speaking country in Central and South America. With its largest audience to date, Turning Point Television reaches a potential 2.5 billion households worldwide.
To help Turning Point enter the prime time of its ministry with a vis
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Charles Frazier Stanley was born September 25, 1932, in the small town of Dry Fork, Virginia. The only child of Charley and Rebecca Stanley, Charles came into the world during a time when the entire nation felt the grip of the Great Depression. To make matters worse, just nine months later, his father Charley died at the young age of 29.
However, Charles refused to let the Great Depression or the difficulties of his life define him. Instead, like his father and grandfather before him, he clung to God’s Word and took up the mantle to preach the gospel to whoever would listen.
Dr. Stanley’s motivation is best represented by the truth found in Acts 20:24, “Life is worth nothing unl

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It becomes evident as Pastor Duane opens his heart that God has bestowed on him an abundance of divine revelation, which pours forth as he shares and ministers the Word. His personal presentation of the Gospel resurrects hope and ignites faith in the hearts of God's people.
Pastor Duane began the free teaching tape/CD ministry in 1984. His insatiable desire to make the Word of God available to everyone, regardless of financial circumstances, burned in his heart. Many times the people that need the teachings the most are least able to afford them. The fruit of this outreach has resulted in the distribution of over 21 million

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Living Stream Ministry is pleased to provide the complete text of many of its ministry publications. We sincerely hope that the riches of Christ could be broadly sown throughout the earth through this channel for the benefit of all the Lord's children.
As our resources permit, we will continue to add to the list of books published here. Please visit us often to keep up with the changes, and please let your friends and family know about the ministry riches here. We welcome your suggestions and requests.
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An Emerging Force in the Digital Services Industry...
Unify Your WorldTriniti Communications International (TrinitiComm) is a privately-held, global, next-generation, digital communications, entertainment, automation and security company with corporate offices located in Canton, Ohio USA.
Our mission is to provide premium, cutting-edge, digital communications products and services that are of the people and for the people and marketed exclusively through a powerful and entirely unique daily-paying Social Networking Referral-based income opportunity.
We utilize Social Networking Referral marketing as the foundation of our business model because of its undeniable effectiveness in introducing our products and services to the world. All motivated and persistent people from all walks of life have a true and equal opportunity to simultaneously eliminate the out-of-pocket expense associa
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Bill FayBill travels the world impacting many cultures and denominations. Through his Share Jesus WIthout Fear seminar, he challenges the church regarding the "sin of silence."
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So there you are, planning your trip and it dawns on you, "Hey, while we are passing through Atlanta, let's stop and see our fellow Wretches."
That is a GREAT idea, and we would love to meet you too.
Unfortunately, our production schedules are crazy busy. If we take an hour out of our day, it is an hour we have to make up for at night or on the weekends. In order to remain happily married, we just have to have a "no visitor policy."
We know that makes us sound like jerks, but we hope you understand. It is not that we are like Howard Hughes, we would truly love to hang out with you; but if we do, it creates a really big burden on our work schedule.
Thank you for understanding. Hopefully we can meet at a Wretched event. It brings us great joy to fellowship with you there.
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